Broadcast sites disperse a modulated ATSC digital signal (it’s actually a .ts file) in a 6 MHz RF channel using VHF and UHF radio frequencies. Anyone within the coverage range can receive the signal with the proper receiving equipment. These 6 MHz RF channels contain a maximum bitrate of 19.39 Mbps. This signal contains:
A TV channel (usually multiple (virtual) channels ex. 2.1, 2.2, 2.3,… etc.). Usually the “x.1” channels are in HD and subsequent channels are in SD, but this isn’t always the case
TV guide data
Date and time
Other, less obvious data
Again, all of this data is contained in one 6MHz “RF channel”.
Everything above is true for ATSC 1.0. ATSC 3.0 is a newer, high-tech digital broadcast standard which is more complicated. Read this guide on ATSC 3.0 to learn more.